"Aztelekom"a İctimaiyyətlə əlaqələr üzrə menecer təyin edildi
Azərbaycanın sabit telekommunikasiya operatoru “Aztelekom” MMC-yə İctimaiyyətlə əlaqələr üzrə menecer təyin edilib.
Azərbaycanın sabit telekommunikasiya operatoru “Aztelekom” MMC-yə İctimaiyyətlə əlaqələr üzrə menecer təyin edilib.
Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Nabiyev has held a zonal meeting with the heads of ministry’s subordinate agencies located in Sabirabad, Saatly and Imishli regions.
Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Nabiyev will receive citizens in Aghstafa city at Heydar Aliyev Center (address: Aghstafa region, Huseyn Arif 1) on March 11, 2022 at 11:00.
Bu gün Xocalı faciəsinin 30-cu ildönümü münasibətilə anım tədbiri keçirilib. Görüşə Aztelekom və Baktelecom-un Xocalı şəhərindən olan əməkdaşları Vüqar Behbudov və Dürdanə Hacıyeva da dəvət ediliblər.
A new appointment has been made to the position of General Director of Aztelekom LLC, a stable telecommunications operator in Azerbaijan. Klaus Müller of German descent is already in charge.
Aztelekom LLC provided optical telecommunication services to existing enterprises and residential buildings in Shusha. The first bakery in the city has already been connected to the service...
Aztelekom LLC, subordinated to the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, has changed its internet tariffs in order to expand the use of information technology and meet the demand for telecommunications services in accordance with modern requirements.
The 41st meeting of the Regional Communications Union (RCU) was held with the participation of the heads of communication operators operating in the wider member states and experts working in the field of information security ...
Aztelekom LLC, operating under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, has upgraded the Alcatel 1000 S-12 station to a modern IMS (IP multimedia subsystem) platform to ensure high quality international and interurban telephone communication.